perh ,,, kosong time aher ta0n ,,,

perh x mcm angin plak q pny kple ,,,
dtg kola x wat ap2 !!!!!!

itu lah komen dri sorg plaja skola SMDM ,,
udin @ dean @ pudin ,,,,,

layan ,,, zassss !!!!

 location : dewan
in this picture : din ,amir

location : dewan
in this picture : din , aqiz

begitu la citer nyer ,,,
eh ?????
ap cite nyer >????
blom cite daaaahhhh ,,,
sori ,,, q ptot nyer post ni a month ago ,,,
tp x smpat nk update n post la ,,,,
x ckop mse and no time ,,,
mse uh at skola ,,, aher taon la kte kn ,,,
so ckgu x de nnn ad gak bdk yg dh cuti awl ,,,
dh x sabo la kte kn ,,,
mmmg gitu la ,,,
so kite lyn jerk ae ,,,,

 location : class
in this picture : amir , aqiz

 location : class
in this picture : din , amir

 location : class
in this picture : liz , apiz 

location : class
in this picture : din , apiz , aqiz

geng selenga abez at klas q ,,,,
lbey kurg la ,,,,

 in this picture : zaha , friz , nazwan , duka

 in this picture : friz , zaha , aizaq , duka 

dye org nih lbey kurg nsem gak la ,,,
TERTARIK  gitu ,,,,
auishhhh ,,,
tp dye org nih pangai mcm setan ,,,,
lbey dri uh pon ad ,,,,
tau2 jer la ,,,,
sori guys ,,,,
its the truth ,,,,

 in this picture : nazwan , friz , zaha

in this picture : friz , zaha , duka , aqiz

ni plak geng galz at kola q ,,,,
bkn PRINCESS ,,,
tp ad gak la dye org wat group sdri ,,,
ahhh ,,, pliz !!!!!

 I . T . P : ecah , amira , ilin , aqiz

 I . T . P : ecah , ain , aqiz

my galz friends ,,,
kwn girl q ,,,
bley thn rapat gak la ,,,
tp at kls kurg ,,, tp lyn ak ,,,
ayu2 gitu ,,,
uweeeekkkk ,,,
nk tmuntah q puji dye org ,,,,
jgn arap ,,,

 I . T . P : ecah , amira , aqiz 

I . T . P : fuzzy

bg q dye nih OPRAH ,,,, 
hahahahaha ,,,
bio btol ,,,
x la ,,,
 dy nih bley dikate kn tmpt q cite kn msalah q la ,,,
bb dye nih lex jerk dgo maslah org ,,,
yg bley tlog ,,, dye bley tlog ,,,
mmg bek la ,,,
kite org kwn sjk taon nih la ,,,
tp bkn tros kwn ,,,
ad memori disebalik nyer ,,,
perh ayat bise beb

 I.T.P : chew , wei bing 

my chinese frenz ,,,,
veryy nice lorh ,,,
n cutie ,,,
bley gak la ,,,
lolz ,,,

I.T.P : aida , mas , fatin

pengawas normal at skola q ,,,
x de sape tkot pon ,,,
lbey bek x yah ade pngawas at kola ,,,
wat bzer time jerk ,,,

thats all frenz ,,,
till we meet again ,,,

    opzzzz ~

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